Donate Connections

Donations can take many forms. Do you know of a high profile individual who would like to visit patients that are most in need? If so, please fill out our form below and a St. Michael’s Angels ambassador will be in touch soon!

Thank you for taking the time to connect St. Michael’s Angels with a celebrity. Our patients will love meeting your connection as it will make their dreams come true.

When donating a connection, please make sure that the person is aware that St. Michael’s Angels will be contacting them to arrange for a meeting with our patient. First though, an initial meeting will be with you. Please let us know a little bit about yourself and when you are available to talk.

All information is kept confidential.

  • Your Contact Information

  • What is the best date and time to contact you to discuss your connection?

  • :
  • Your Connection

    Who is this special person?